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1300 448 335

White and Green Bouquet with Card & Candle

This elegant bouquet features pure white roses, delicate chrysanthemums, and graceful Oriental lilies, creating a serene and comforting display. This gift includes one of our sincere Thinking of You Regular cards and a beautiful Ecoya candle.

To ensure the longevity of these fresh flowers, some buds may arrive closed. This protects their beauty during transit and allows them to bloom to their full potential.

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White and Green Bouquet with Card & Candle Flowers

Total: $175.85

Plus Delivery

This elegant bouquet features pure white roses, delicate chrysanthemums, and graceful Oriental lilies, creating a serene and comforting display. This gift includes one of our sincere Thinking of You Regular cards and a beautiful Ecoya candle. To ensure the longevity of these fresh flowers, some buds may arrive closed. This protects their beauty during transit and allows them to bloom to their full potential.
Click to call 1300 448 335